The Faculty Grievance Committee, as an instrument of the "Faculty Grievance Procedure," shall meet with University faculty members to consider grievances that are not resolved through informal processes. The role, activities, and responsibilities of the committee are defined in the "OSU Faculty Grievance Procedure," referenced in the Oregon Administrative Rules.
The Committee consists of five academic employees, with faculty rank or professional title, at least one of whom shall be female and one faculty member from an underrepresented population, chosen by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Any academic employee with Faculty rank or professional title may submit nominations to the Executive Committee for consideration. The Chair of the Committee shall be selected by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Three members of the Faculty Grievance Committee shall constitute a quorum.
(It is recommended that at least one member of the Committee should have legal training.)
(Note: University Policy 576-050-0010 and -0020 provide for separate mediation and grievance processes which require two separate committees.)