Members Present: Bob Brudvig, Brett Burkhardt, Cheryl Middleton, Kathleen Stanley, Cara Walters, Yanyun Zhang, Kristen Ziebart
Members Absent: Jennifer Beamer, Matt Evans
Introduction of New Members
Review of Standing Rules
The committee reviewed the standing rules for relevance and did not revise the rules as they seem to reflect the work of the committee.
Scheduling for Winter Term
Vickie Nunnemaker is working with the committee members to establish a regular monthly meeting time for winter term.
Meeting Minutes
Cheryl will send out a signup sheet for minute takers after Vickie schedules the winter term committee meetings.
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Survey
Mike Bailey, from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, requested that the committee redeploy the Non-Tenure Track (NTT) faculty survey to identify whether or not there has been any movement in addressing NTT concerns about job insecurity and other work related concerns since the first survey was deployed in 2013. The committee agreed that this is an excellent suggestion and a small group of committee members, consisting of Kathleen Stanley, Cara Walters and Brett Burkhardt, will begin working on the survey. The committee suggests streamlining and shortening the survey. Cheryl will send out results of 2013 survey:
Professor of Teaching – Update
Cheryl informed the committee that the committee was to stop working on the Professor of Teaching proposal until the Executive Committee had a chance to discuss the proposal of a new rank in more detail at a future meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Middleton