Role of the President
Presiding Officer
Information Source
Link with the Administration
General Custodian of Faculty Interests
Role of the Committees and Councils (Standing and Special)
Provide reports for Senate agenda
Reports should cover:
1. Charge to committee/how committee generated task
2. Report of data collected
3. Findings/conclusions drawn
4. Recommendations/resolutions
- Senate usually considers for adoption only recommendations and resolutions
Committee chair (or designated representative; not an ex-officio) should present reports.
Role of Senators in Conducting Senate Business
1. Enhance quality of deliberations by pre-meeting planning
2. Listen to a proposal, debate it and make a decision
3. Improve quality of decision-making by acquiring procedural savvy
If in doubt, exercise these options:
Or, DO IT and let the chips fall where they may.
Role of Senate
1. Serve as the ultimate authority of the Faculty
2. Receive all reports from committees and councils
3. Report Senate decisions to the administration