March 15, 2000
Faculty in the Oregon University System (OUS) lag substantially behind their counterparts in other states by most measures of faculty compensation. The increasing level of campus autonomy within OUS allows Oregon State University to examine alternative strategies aimed at bringing campus compensation levels closer to national norms. In this context, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the OSU administration agreed to appoint an issue group to determine the feasibility of improving compensation levels.
The Issue Group on Faculty Compensation is charged with the following:
Seek institution-wide input, and suggest revenue sources to fund compensation adjustments.
Examine all categories of faculty positions (those with academic rank and Professional faculty), and determine whether compensation adjustments should be based on comparable positions, disciplines and/or other criteria.
Develop a plan to bring faculty compensation (salary and benefits) to levels competitive with peer institutions.
Complete work by May 15, 2000 with the delivery of a draft plan to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Interim Provost.
The following faculty have agreed to serve on this Issue Group:
Stella Coakley, Botany and Plant Pathology
Steve Davis, Animal Sciences
Susan Ellinwood, College of Engineering
L.J. Koong, Veterinary Medicine
Rubin Landau, Physics
David Shaw, Human Resources
Nancy Rosenberger, Anthropology
Vic Tremblay, Economics
Ken Williamson, Civil Engineering
Dean Koong and Steve Davis will serve as Co-Chairs of the Issue Group and are expected to coordinate the time and place of the first meeting. Vickie Nunnemaker in the Faculty Senate Office is available to provide support to the group.
Faculty compensation issues are extremely important to the success of Oregon State University. We appreciate your willingness to be a member of an issue group designed to help OSU determine its options for improving compensation levels of its faculty.
Gordon Matzke
President, Faculty Senate
Tim White
Interim Provost
Stella Coakley, Botany and Plant Pathology
Steve Davis (Co-Chair), Animal Sciences
Susan Ellinwood, College of Engineering
L.J. Koong (Co-Chair), Veterinary Medicine
Rubin Landau, Physics
Nancy Rosenberger, Anthropology
David Shaw, Human Resources
Vic Tremblay, Economics
Ken Williamson, Civil Engineering