Note: Complete proceedings of the meeting were recorded and are available at This recap contains agenda attachments, votes associated with action items, Information Items and the Roll Call.
A PDF of the recap can be found here.
January 10, 2019
President Dorbolo recapped his year as Faculty Senate President.
He thanked the following:
His unit, University Information Technology, for allowing him the latitude to serve as president.
Faculty Senate Executive Committee – the ‘frontal lobe’ of the Faculty Senate.
Caitlin Calascibetta and Vickie Nunnemaker from the Faculty Senate Office.
Redesign of the Faculty Senate website – he acknowledged Mark Dinsmore, Calascibetta and Nunnemaker for their efforts.
Instituted an elected, yearly appointment of a non-voting ad hoc member of the Executive Committee from OSU-Cascades.
Designated analysis of Bill Ripple in his article ‘Second Warning to Humanity‘as information to inform choices affecting the environment. This was a joint resolution from the Faculty Senate and ASOSU. The relationship with ASOSU has been growing.
Charged a university-wide committee to focus on the Carbon Neutral plan – this will be an enterprise-wide effort.
Produced an analysis and proposal for the future of the Baccalaureate Core. Changed the Baccalaureate Core Committee Standing Rules to address policy, planning and strategy.
Dorbolo will submit an annual report to the Faculty Senate that will account for the actions, successes and failures during 2019.
Observations about Oregon State University:
He engaged with hundreds of faculty and students during the year. One point he noticed is the marked absence of cynicism. Although there are people who are discouraged and angry, some justifiably so, but the overall tenor from faculty was of positive intent for the welfare of the university. Those at Oregon State are primarily positive and hopeful people.
The strongest recommendation he could make is to encourage leadership of academic units to create ways to engage directly with the Senators from their units. Deans, directors and heads should meet with and hear from Senators to learn about what the Senate is doing. The entire college should then receive reports from their Senators. This periodic communication, by itself, will serve to correct misapprehensions about what shared governance is and will increase the interest of colleagues to participate.
Senators have the means to communicate with the constituency they represent. He urged Senators to periodically meet as a group with other Senators in their apportionment unit, and then communicate with constituents what’s going on with the Senate and how you see it. Need to open lines of communication.
Important that the shared governance model we employ reflects the university that we both have and aspire to. The university as a concept is the second oldest continuously operating form of institution in the western world. The concept of faculty at OSU and the nature of shared governance should reflect the reality of our educational practice. Participation of this broad range of educators in shared governance is the accurate image to maintain. Faculty of all ranks, and professional faculty, belong in the deliberation and decision-making of educational matters at Oregon State.
What model of shared governance best fits Oregon State? In a year when collective bargaining becomes a primary topic, the opportunity for the FS to redefine itself and reassert the value of shared governance is a powerful opportunity.
President Dorbolo installed the 2019 Faculty Senate President, Mina Carson.
President Carson presented Dorbolo with a plaque that read:
Jon Louis Dorbolo
Oregon State University
Faculty Senate President
Given in appreciation for his leadership, his unwavering
commitment to faculty governance, and dedicated
service to the faculty of Oregon State University.
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. -- John F. Kennedy
President Carson then installed:
President-Elect Dwaine Plaza,
New Executive Committee members: Bill Bogley, Selina Heppell and Jane Waite, as well as Christine Pollard who is the ad hoc Executive Committee member representing OSU-Cascades, and
Interinstitutional Faculty Senate Senator Devon Quick.
Approval of Parliamentarian
Approval of Michael Beachley as Faculty Senate Parliamentarian.
Action: Motion to approve Michael Beachley as Faculty Senate Parliamentarian passed with 39 votes in favor and 1 abstention.
Curricular Proposal
Allen Thompson, Curriculum Council Co-chair, presented for approval the below Category I proposal:
Doctor of Physical Therapy #103178 – New Degree Program Proposal – OSU-Cascades
Senator Pappas, Associated Faculty, questioned what resources are in place to replace equipment. Julie Gess-Newsome, OSU-Cascades, responded that they have budgeted 10% for building replacement.
Action: Motion to approve the Doctor of Physical Therapy #103178 passed with 43 votes in favor, 4 votes in opposition and 5 abstentions.
2019 Apportionment Table
Mike Bailey explained the process used to develop the Apportionment Table.
Action: Motion to approve the 2019 Apportionment Table passed with 47 votes in favor, 1 votes in opposition and 2 abstentions.
Dwaine Plaza, Senior OSU IFS Senator, recapped the November meeting hosted by Western Oregon University.
Jay Noller from OSU was elected as co-president of IFS; he will share co-chair duties with Donna Lane from SOU. Noller is the IFS representative who will work closest with the legislature in Salem.
Core Transfer Maps have been developed
Plaza proposed a system that will track students beginning when they graduate high school so courses they need to take can be determined at any time.
Major Legislative Bills Coming
2311 – Adult Learners
Oregon anticipates 100,000 new jobs in Health Care by 2030 –the bill will create new opportunities to fill the gap of jobs.
2787 – In-state tuition
Authorizes in-state tuition for undocumented students – $7.7 million dollars lost – Veterans are coming to Oregon from different states. This is being called a revenue generator.
3288 – Requires Transparent Accounting
Requires that there is a transparent accounting of the number of administrative jobs compared to the supervised employees. Need to post the number of administrative jobs opened. Cost drivers of administrative jobs.
Plaza also highlighted university reports from institutions around the state – see the linked PowerPoint for details.
1. 2019 Faculty Senate Meetings
Please reserve the following dates for Faculty Senate meetings for the remainder of the academic year; check the monthly agenda to determine the location. All meetings are scheduled to begin at 3:00 PM:
February 14, March 14, April 11, May 9 and June 13
2. Vacancies
Please notify the Faculty Senate Office if a sabbatical, leave, or retirement will prevent completion of your term as either a Senator or Faculty Senate committee/council member. If you are away more than one term, exclusive of summer term, a replacement is required. This information will assist us in identifying a replacement. Senators and committee/council members immediately continuing on a 1039-hour appointment may retain their position as long as the temporary appointment continues or until the end of their appointed/elected term, whichever comes first.
3. Remote Participation in Faculty Senate Meetings
To participate in Faculty Senate meetings via WebEx, log in to beginning at 2:50 PM on the day of the Senate meeting, and then login with your ONID credentials to the Faculty Senate Chat Room. Senators and proxies must log in with their real names so that attendance can be accurately reflected; if you are a proxy, please indicate the Senator you are representing. If you are asked for a meeting number, insert 926 485 939. If you experience problems logging in during the meeting, please contact Vickie Nunnemaker at [email protected].
4. Retiring Senators
Thank you for participating in shared governance by representing your colleagues on the Faculty Senate. Your participation and engagement in discussions during meetings are greatly appreciated.
Mina Carson
President Carson thanked the retiring Senators.
Carson is a big fan of the OSU Faculty Senate, and has been since arriving in 1989, and has served as a Senator several times. She also served both as an IFS Senator and IFS President. She is a fan of OSU’s administration and, given adversarial relationships at other universities, she is reminded of the positive relationship between the OSU Faculty Senate and administration.
The Faculty Senate leadership intends to take on, or continue, the following projects:
Elections Task Force
Carbon Neutral Commitment
Continue looking at the structure and content of the Baccalaureate Core.
Consider how to streamline the curricular approval process.
Make the day-to-day operations of the Faculty Senate Office more effective.
Pilot new ways to get the message to colleagues that the Faculty Senate is very much alive and worth attending and joining and engaging – need to raise our profile; need to determine what the profile looks like.
The Senate and union are different entities with overlapping but not identical memberships and constituencies. Because the operations of the Senate are critical to the evolution and continuity of our academic mission, we need to seek continuity in our operations and clarity in our mission. For both organizations to function effectively, both need to seek clarity about how their functions interface and interact, and how they do not.
Carson wants to hear from faculty about how to make the Faculty Senate more visible and ways to highlight our good work. We need younger or newer faculty to step up and know that their service is important, and we need senior faculty to stay with us. Need unit heads to agree that the Senate serves crucial functions for their programs and to reward faculty for filling roles on committees and as Senators.
Without any disrespect, she asked those online to come into the room whenever possible. We want visitors to the Senate to know that their information is important and to see the faces of our elected Senators.
Carson wants to know what faculty are thinking and welcomes invitations to meet with faculty – you may either contact Carson directly or Vickie Nunnemaker in the Faculty Senate Office.
Carson invited faculty to meet with her informally at the Hilton Garden Inn following Faculty Senate meetings.
No new business
Members Present:
Agricultural Sciences: Alix-Garcia (remote), Diebel (remote), Scott Heppell, Selina Heppell, Alanna McPartlin (v. Moyer), Murthy (remote), Kristin Rifai (v. Noller), Sanchez, Sterns
Associated Faculty: Birky, Bradoch, Bromagem (remote), Calvery (remote), Fleming, Greenough, Mathern, Milic (remote), Pappas, Silbernagel, Vignos (remote), Waite
Business: Akroyd (remote), Bourne (remote), Cluver (remote), LeMay (remote), Murnieks (remote)
Cascades: Dahl (remote), Gautschi (remote), Andrew Ketsdever (v. Witzke) (remote), Wolsko (remote)
Earth, Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences: Colwell, Meigs (remote), Shiel (remote), Watkins-Brandt (remote)
Education: Bachman (remote)
Engineering: Johnston, Mayaram (remote), Paasch, Porter (remote), Squires
Extension: Arispe (remote), Chris Schachtschneider (v. Kaiser) (remote), Wells (remote)
Forestry: Cushing (remote), Shaw
Hatfield Marine Science Center: No senators present
Liberal Arts: Barnd (remote), Boovy, Chappell (remote), Duncan (remote), Inderbitzin, Lauer (remote), Maldonado (remote), Osei-Kofi, Plaza, Shirazi (remote)Trujillo (remote)
Library: Van Tuyl (remote)
Pharmacy: Linares
Public Health & Human Sciences: Bethel (remote), Hannigan-Downs, MacTacish (remote), Yun (remote)
Science: Bogley, Nathan Gibson (v. Bokil), Cozzi, Escher (remote), Faridani, Giovannoni (remote), Peszynska (remote), Remcho (remote), Swisher (remote)
Student Affairs: Atebe, Le (remote), Martinez (remote), Nakic (remote)
Veterinary Medicine: No senators present
Members Absent:
Agricultural Sciences: Bohnert, Bolte, Chang, Epps, Field, Gaebel, Goddik, Mata-Gonzalez, Mundt, Tullos, Waite-Cusic
Associated Faculty: Breen, Bruce, Hansen, Hayes, McKnight, Riggs, Signs, Yee
Business: Gerasymenko
Cascades: No senators absent
Earth, Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences: Dever, Ozkan-Haller
Education: No senators absent
Engineering: Albertani, Bay, Gambatese, Lee, Scott, Wildenschild, Yeh
Extension: Hein
Forestry: Hatten, Knowles, Schimleck
Hatfield Marine Science Center: Henkel, Miller
Liberal Arts: Below, Hammer, Orosco, Roper
Library: No senators absent
Pharmacy: Sikora
Public Health & Human Sciences: Khanna, Kile, Luck
Science: McIntyre, Riverstone
Student Affairs: Jenkins, Smith, Wright
Veterinary Medicine: Gordon, Milovancev, Pastey
Ex-Officio members present:
Bogley, Nathan Gibson (v. Bokil) (remote), Carson, Dorbolo, Feser, Plaza
Non-Voting members present:
Bailey, Beachley, Pollard
Tam Belknap (remote), Julie Gess-Newsome, Julie Greenwood (remote), Cub Kahn (remote), Bob Mason, Terence Merritt (remote), Katherine McAkvage (remote), Megan Mobley (remote), Robynn Pease (remote), Shaleece Rains (remote), Amber Tillitt, Tony Zak (remote)