Note: Complete proceedings of the meeting were recorded and are available at
March 12, 2020
A PDF of the recap can be found here.
Provost Ed Feser
Dan Larson is the Coronavirus coordinator. The university remains open, there is a need to reduce the volume of interactions and the university has cut back on non-essential travel. We need to practice social distancing, which means to remain 6’ apart.
Enrollment is looking pretty good.
Be cautious in spending as hiring may need to be deferred.
Students are asking what ‘remote delivery’ means. This is not online, but remote – classes will still be face-to-face.
Test optional admissions – he is now working with other Oregon universities regarding a statewide shift to test optional. The question now is timing of when this will be announced.
Provost Feser thanked all faculty for what they are doing and what they will do. Need to have everyone assisting in various ways.
Action: Faculty Senate President-Elect Selina Heppell moved to require all faculty to use Canvas and Zoom for communication and delivery of their courses during spring term. Delivery of courses remotely shall be the main mechanism for faculty to follow until future changes come from guidance by the CDC, Benton County Health and our scientific community; motion seconded and passed with 53 votes in favor, 10 dissenting votes and 3 abstentions.
Action: Faculty Senate President-Elect Selina Heppell moved to have the University administration and Faculty Senate leadership conduct an ongoing examination of our practices for dealing with the Coronavirus moving forward, and they will inform the faculty via updates using the OSU main website and email communication; motion seconded and passed with 59 votes in favor, 1 dissenting vote and 1 abstention.
One asked if they could be reminded of what the motion will be used for – as a policy notice, to include in syllabi, or? President Plaza indicated that it is not to be included in syllabi.
Approval of Minutes
February 13, 2020
Action: Senator Bruslind, Science, moved to approve the February 13, 2020 minutes; motion seconded and approved with 49 votes in favor, 0 dissenting votes and 1 abstention.
Curricular Proposal
Carol McKiel, Curriculum Council Co-chair, presented for approval the following proposed reorganization Schools of Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems; Management, Entrepreneurship, and Supply Chain; and Marketing, Analytics, and Design.
Action: Motion to approve the proposed reorganization of the Schools of Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems; Management, Entrepreneurship, and Supply Chain; and Marketing, Analytics, and Design within the College of Business passed by 61 votes in favor, 0 dissenting votes and 3 abstentions.
Academic Regulations Proposed Revisions
Linda Bruslind, Academic Regulations Committee chair, presented for approval proposed revisions to Academic Regulations.
AR 2 – Transfer Credit (Undergraduate)
No discussion
Action: Motion to approve proposed revisions to AR 2, Transfer Credit (Undergraduate), passed by 62 votes in favor, 1 dissenting vote and 3 abstentions
Proposed creation of AR 32 – Undergraduate Standalone Certificates
No discussion
Action: Motion to approve the creation of AR 32, Undergraduate Standalone Certificates, passed by 49 votes in favor, 1 dissenting vote and 4 abstentions.
Proposed Triple-Dipping Policy
John Edwards, College of Liberal Arts Associate Dean, presented for approval a proposal to institute a ‘no-triple-dipping’ policy for Liberal Arts majors.
There is no record of the ‘no-double-dipping’ policy (i.e. no course can count toward more than one of the Bacc Core, Liberal Arts Core and major requirements) ever being approved by any formal process. Currently, the College of Liberal Arts is the only college that has such a policy. It also appears that most faculty are unaware that the no-double-dipping policy exists.
The preference of the College of Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee is to replace ‘no-double-dipping’ with the more lenient ‘no-triple-dipping’ (i.e. a single course cannot count toward all three of the Baccalaureate Core, CLA Core, and major requirements).
Action: Motion to approve the no triple-dipping policy passed by 51 votes in favor, 3 dissenting votes and 10 abstentions.
Proposed Revisions to the Transfer/Residency Policy for Graduate Students
John Becker-Blease and Lisa Ganio, Graduate Council members, presented proposed revisions to the Transfer/Residency Policy as they apply to Graduate Students.
Action: Motion to approve proposed revisions to the Transfer/Residency Policy for Graduate Students passed by 41 votes in favor, 0 dissenting votes and 5 abstentions.
Interinstitutional Faculty Senate Recap
Goran Jovanovic, Senior OSU IFS Senator, recapped the January IFS meeting held at OSU.
Dwaine Plaza
President Plaza’s report included the following:
The Executive Committee recently painted the Faculty Senate conference room.
The Faculty Senate has been instrumental in working with public safety listening sessions.
Professional Faculty Task Force – Jeff Sherman is chairing this group to create more stability for professional faculty. By Fall 2020, it’s anticipated to have rolling contract recommendations for professional faculty. The next step will be to explore a promotion ladder for professional faculty, which is the only group on campus not represented by a union. The Faculty Senate is getting really good support from administration to move forward.
Professor of Teaching Rank – Discussion of this topic began in the Faculty Senate about seven years ago, but didn’t get traction. Bob Mason and Henri Jansen are working with Susan Capalbo to create a group to again consider this rank. The hope is to have something to bring forward to the Faculty Senate by the end of 2020.
Baccalaureate Core Review Committee – This group is co-chaired by McKenzie Huber and Rorie Solberg who are charged with studying Baccalaureate Core models at comparator schools. They will likely bring forward models for review in Fall 2020.
The Executive Committee (EC) is working closely with Rebecca Mathern, Registrar, to put forth a motion in the EC to implement a policy already on the books which mandates identifying courses not taught in the last six years and removing them from the books.
Plaza is working with Phil Mott, Alix Gitelman and Susan Capalbo on moving from an academic program review format to a unit review process. The goal is to make the process more efficient. Reviewers will review the entire unit at once – both graduate and undergraduate programs will be reviewed together.
On April 9, OSU-Cascades will host the Faculty Senate meeting. A group of faculty will travel to Bend and broadcast from there, while President-elect Selina Heppell will hold a virtual meeting in Corvallis.
Plaza encouraged faculty to support students and each other, and noted that “we’re in turbulent times.”
No new business
Recap provided by Vickie Nunnemaker, Faculty Senate staff
Members Present:
Agricultural Sciences: Burkholder (remote), Dugger, Etherington (remote), Godwin (remote), Gwin (remote), Hayes (remote), Lambrinos (remote), Sanchez (remote), Tullos (remote)
Associated Faculty: Alexis (remote), Bunnage (remote), Cholewinski (remote), Davis-White Eyes (remote), Fleming, Gaines (remote), Gillies (remote), Greenough (remote), James Thomas (v. Hayes) (remote), Real (remote), Riney (remote), Rose (remote), Signs (remote), Silbernagel (remote), Trelstad
Business: Huff (remote), Paterson (remote), Scott (remote), Stornelli (remote), Villalobos
Cascades: Dahl (remote), McCalpine (remote), Reuter (remote), Witzke (remote)
Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences: Becker (remote), Colwell (remote), Dever (remote), Spitz (remote), Watkins-Brandt (remote)
Education: Thompson (remote)
Engineering: Fronk (remote), Grimm (remote), Jovanovic, MacCarty (remote), Paasch (remote), Porter (remote), Wong (remote)
Extension: Arispe (remote), Davis (remote), Hein (remote)
Forestry: Creighton (remote), Huber
Hatfield Marine Science Center: No senators present
Liberal Arts: Becker Blease, Boovy (remote), Edwards (remote), Emerson (remote), Inderbitzin (remote), Kaplan, Lauer (remote), Maes (remote), Mize (remote), Rodgers (remote), Shaw (remote), Sheehan (remote), Shirazi (remote), Warner (remote)
Library: Hui Zhang (v. Lorente)
Pharmacy: Olstad (remote), Zumach (remote)
Public Health & Human Sciences: Bray (remote), Hoffman, MacTavish, Mendez-Luck (remote)
Science: Nathan Gibson (v. Bokil) (remote), Bruslind, Gable (remote), Jansen (remote), Petsche (remote), Quick (remote), Thomann (remote), van Zee
Student Affairs: Nicole Hindes (v. Alvarez-Cortez) (remote), Dawn Snyder (v. Sanchez) (remote), Smith (remote)
Veterinary Medicine: Medlock (remote)
Members Absent:
Agricultural Sciences: Moore, Moyer, Sherman, Turpin
Associated Faculty: Aguilar, Buckley, Pappas, Viggiani, Yee
Business: Bourne, Swift
Cascades: No senators absent
Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences: Ruggiero
Education: Golya
Engineering: Blunck, Jensen, Nembhard
Extension: No senators absent
Forestry: No senators absent
Hatfield Marine Science Center: Miller
Liberal Arts: Hamblin
Library: No senators absent
Pharmacy: No senators absent
Public Health & Human Sciences: Bovbjerg, Ceraso, Khanna
Science: Kayes, Mason
Student Affairs: Atebe, Bowling, Harris, Whitebear
Veterinary Medicine: Ackermann, Holder
Ex-Officio members present:
Bill Bogley, Mina Carson (remote), Ed Feser, Selina Heppell, Dwaine Plaza, Ed Ray, Shannon Riggs (remote), Jane Waite (remote)
Non-Voting members present:
Mike Bailey (remote), Michael Beachley
John Becker-Blease, Tamara Belknap (remote), Sherm Bloomer (remote), Kim Calvery (remote), Kristina Case (remote), Jim Coakley, Mark Dinsmore (remote), Susie Dunham (remote), John Edwards, Lisa Ganio, Alix Gitelman, David Goodrum (remote), Mark Hoffman, Rebecca Mathern, Aedra McCarty (remote), Carol McKiel, Phil Mote (remote), Robynn Pease (remote), Kirsten Petersen (remote), Robbin Sim (remote), Caryn Stoess (remote), John Sweet (remote), Lucas Turpin (remote), Nicole Wolf (remote)