Thursday, October 8, 2020 ~ 3:00-5:00 PM
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom
(see Information Item #1)


    1. Proposed Revisions to Faculty Senate Bylaws  
      On behalf of the Executive Committee, President-Elect Selina Heppell will outline the breakdown of the three types of proposed revisions – housekeeping, formalizing current practice and newly created verbiage. Senators will have one month to review the proposed revisions, which are scheduled to be voted on November 12. If you have questions about the proposed revisions, please contact Vickie Nunnemaker in the Faculty Senate Office.
    1. COVID-19 Accommodations for Promotion and Tenure
      Susan Capalbo, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, will outline the accommodations available to assist faculty with promotion and tenure. 
  1. Information & Technology Report
    Andrea Ballinger, Vice Provost/CIO University Information & Technology, will share the current status of IT strategies at OSU focusing on the IT changes expected for this academic year.
  1. Student Survey and What Faculty Can Learn from the Students’ Data  
    Jesse Nelson, Acting Director Student Affairs Assessment, Alex Aljets, Student Success Portfolio Manager and Erin Mulvey Bird, Transfer Transitions Coordinator, will present a summary of key findings from the recent undergraduate student survey. Emphasis will be given to recommendations and potential next steps.
  1. Professional Faculty Ad Hoc Review Committee Progress Report
    Jeff Sherman, Chair, will briefly outline the work of the committee.
  1. Pandemic and Academic Domain Updates with Q/A Session
    Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Rebecca Mathern, Associate Provost and University Registrar, will provide updates about logistics such as policies and study spaces on campus as well as instructional and teaching support resources. They will also provide a brief summary of the plan for winter term.
  1. Fall Resumption
    Dan Larson, Vice Provost for Student Affairs, will address OSU’s fall resumption plan.
  1. Faculty Pulse Survey 4.0 Results 
    Kate MacTavish, Faculty Senate Executive Committee member, will briefly review results of the latest Faculty Pulse Survey.
    1. Remote Participation in Faculty Senate Meetings
      Login instructions to participate remotely in Faculty Senate meetings were in the email message sent to Senators. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, until further notice, Faculty Senate meetings will be via Zoom.
                The Zoom session will begin at 2:50 PM on the day of the Senate meeting.
                Please login with your ONID credentials to the Faculty Senate Chat Room. Senators and proxies must log in with their real names so that attendance can be accurately reflected; if you are a proxy, please indicate the Senator you are representing.
                If you experience problems logging in during the meeting, please contact Vickie Nunnemaker at [email protected] or Caitlin Calascibetta at [email protected].
      The preferred login method is to sign in using the Zoom App. If you are logging in using a browser, Chrome is the recommended choice. Users that cannot be authenticated through DUO will not be allowed to join the meeting.
           Non-Senators are welcome to participate but, to avoid unexpected Zoom incidents, the login instructions are not being published. If you wish to remotely participate in this or future Faculty Senate meetings, please fill out the linked Qualtrics survey requesting to participate – you'll need to provide your OSU email, name and unit (please, no abbreviations). If it’s the day of the Faculty Senate meeting, please send a request to Caitlin Calascibetta.
  1. Faculty Conversations with President King Alexander 
    President King Alexander and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee will continue the long-standing tradition of sponsoring small group faculty conversations (academic, research and professional faculty). Each conversation will be facilitated by a Faculty Senate Executive Committee member and will consist of up to 12 faculty. These conversations, via Zoom, provide an opportunity for President Alexander to receive candid feedback from faculty and an occasion for idea and information exchange; faculty are encouraged to speak freely.
              If you wish to participate, please complete the registration form to register for these sessions: November 3, 10:00-11:30 or November 10 from 1:00-2:30. Session requests will be honored on a first come, first serve basis.
  1. Vacancies
    Please notify the Faculty Senate Office if a sabbatical, leave or retirement will prevent completion of your term as either a Senator or Faculty Senate committee/council member. If you are away more than one term, exclusive of summer term, a replacement is required. This information will assist us in identifying a replacement.
              If you are unsure when your Senator or committee/council term ends, you may check the Senator membership list or the Committees & Councils site.
  1. 2020 Faculty Senate Meetings
    Please reserve the following dates for Faculty Senate meetings for the remainder of 2020 – November 12 and December 10; all meetings are scheduled to begin at 3:00 PM. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, until further notice, Faculty Senate meetings will be via Zoom.
              As a reminder, Senators are responsible for finding a proxy to represent them when unable to attend.
              Non-Senators are welcome to participate but, to avoid unexpected Zoom incidents, the login instructions are not being published. If you wish to remotely participate in this or future Faculty Senate meetings, please fill out the linked Qualtrics survey requesting to participate – you'll need to provide your OSU email, name and unit (please, no abbreviations). If it’s the day of the Faculty Senate meeting, please send a request to Caitlin Calascibetta.
  1. Faculty Senate Elections – Faculty with Split Appointments
    According to the Faculty Senate Bylaws, non-tenured faculty who have split appointments between two apportionment units may choose with which unit they wish to be apportioned for Faculty Senate purposes. For example, if a faculty member has a split appointment between Agricultural Sciences and Science, they may choose one or the other (FTE will not be split between apportionment units). This choice will determine Faculty Senate representation. Faculty not indicating where they wish to be apportioned will be placed in an apportionment unit at the discretion of the Faculty Senate Office.
              No later than Noon on October 23, please complete and submit the survey at https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dguYOBrlWxcWLyJ to indicate with which apportionment unit you wish to be affiliated.
              Tenured faculty will be apportioned in their tenure unit, with the exception of the following apportionment units: off-campus Extension, OSU-Cascades and Hatfield Marine Science Center. 
  1. Declining Senator Election
    All currently employed academic, research and professional faculty, regardless of FTE, are eligible to be elected to a Senator position and represent faculty in their respective Faculty Senate apportionment unit. However, Executive Levels 1, 2 and 3 (dean or above) are excluded from being elected, as are Senators who are completing two consecutive three-year terms or faculty on LWOP.
              If you wish to decline to have your name placed on the Senator Nomination Ballot, no later than Noon on October 23 please complete and submit the survey at https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dg8KUpNGnGu8X7T. Faculty must decline each year.






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