Voting members present: Tim Alcon, Lisa Madsen, Arien Muzacz, Dave Paoletti, Kayleen Salchenberg
Voting members absent: Nicole von Germeten, Laurie Kirkner
Ex-officio members present: OSU Libraries – Zach Welhouse
Guests present: Marleigh Perez
Members reported having a busy term, with lots of turnover and expansion (new hires) necessitating additional service.
Membership Composition
Recruitment of student members
Arien proposed creating a student focus group that would meet with members of the student access subcommittee, given that students did not all complete the application and 4 students reported interest in this service opportunity.
Members present supported the idea of having a focus group and raised questions about data collected by OSU and whether financial barriers to grad students are examined.
Question was raised about where the GA policy came from.
Marleigh offered to reach out to colleagues who connect with undergrads more regularly via Student Success Coaches and Kayleen offered to ask if any of her undergrad students might be interested. Arien to send out an email to share with students.
Goals for AY23
In October, members split into subcommittees, following prior years’ organizational structure:
Faculty equity – Lisa, Dave, Zach, Arien
Student access (financial) – Tim, Laurie, Nicole, Kayleen
In October, we decided each subcommittee would create objective(s) for the year, e.g., education, policy recommendations.
Goal for faculty equity subcommittee to create recommendations about disparities between Ecampus faculty and non-Ecampus faculty.
Possible Objectives:
Create recommendations about including OER in P&T (or just promotion?) as scholarly work.
Analyze Ecampus faculty profiles.
Compare workloads across the University.
Hold a panel discussion in the Ecampus Faculty Forum about faculty experiences with Quality Matters (QM).
Goal for student access subcommittee to create recommendations about financial equity for Ecampus students.
Objective 1: Subcommittee members will learn about Ecampus initiatives to prevent duplication of efforts.
Toward this end, Marleigh presented an overview of data already being collected at the undergrad level about financial aid and needs, e.g., institutional support not available to Ecampus students so any awards have to come from foundations or private gifts, tracking reasons students “stop-out” for more than one term.
She also reported the Ecampus Research Unit is studying student profiles, e.g., family/employment responsibilities.
Lisa and Kayleen identified more data it would be helpful to have, e.g., info about debt load of grad students and % of transfer students.
Objective 2: Subcommittee members will hold one or more focus groups in Winter term or early Spring term (first week) to gather data from Ecampus students who represent multiple student communities, e.g., undergrad, post-bacc, grad, STEM/non-STEM.