Voting members present: Arien Muzacz, Dave Paoletti, Danielle Safonte, Kayleen Salchenberg
Voting members absent: Nicole von Germeten, Lisa Madsen
Ex-officio members present: Center for Teaching & Learning – Cub Kahn; Ecampus – Elisabeth McBrien
Review Of Committee’s Charge in University Shared Governance
Standing Rules
Canvas site - historical projects & recommendations (e.g., peer review of online/hybrid teaching guidelines)
Last Year’s Initiatives
Ecampus’ Initiatives - Let’s Collaborate, Not Duplicate!
Planned data collection among post-baccalaureate and graduate students.
Communication with Disability Access Services
AI guidance – lots of resources!
Goals for this Academic Year
What can we do as a committee to benefit students?
Affordability, accessibility – inclusion of diverse learners in domains beyond disability, e.g., culture, language.
Arien summarized the Affordability Matters badging process; members reported not being aware of this designation. We confirmed that courses can be sorted by cost of materials and that free and low-cost materials are specified in the online course catalog.
OERs, course buyouts, information about QM
Faculty outside of the tenure track do not have any guarantees of time/compensation for scholarly activities even if OER grant is secured.
Members present decided committee goals align with the action steps: affordability, accessibility, and AI.
Shared Information
Danielle reported that the new QM Standards for 2024 emphasize accessibility even more than in the previous version.
Elisabeth reported that the Inclusive Excellence Committee at Ecampus is working on various accessibility initiatives.
Action Steps
Arien will reach out to Marleigh Perez and Stefanie Buck to find out how Affordability Matters is already publicized to students and find out how this committee can help.
Elisabeth will reach out to Karen Watte about the goals of the Inclusive Excellence Committee and what gaps may exist that we can fill this year.
Cub Kahn will ask Karen Watte about how this committee can collaborate on AI visibility and guidelines.