Meeting Date: 
January 17, 2023
01/17/2023 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Zoom Meeting
  1. Introduction of Members
  1. Review Standing Rules and Resource Materials
  1. Elect Necessary Committee Positions (e.g. vice chairperson, secretary)
  1. Discuss/determine Future Meeting Times, Locations and Frequency
  1. Discuss/determine Future Meeting Topics
  1. Discuss Items for the Good of the Order
  1. Adjourn

Voting members present: Justin Fleming, Kate Moses, Richard Riggs, Jennifer Thornhill, Katheryn Yetter
Voting members absent: Connie Caddis, Melissa Rieth


Introduction of Members

  • Kate: Contact Professional Faculty Leadership Association (PFLA) regarding ex-officio member vacancy and other potential committee members.
  • All committee members: identify potential members to fill existing vacancies.

Review Standing Rules and Resource Materials

Elect Necessary Committee Positions (e.g. vice chairperson, secretary)

  • The committee decided not to elect vice chair or other committee officers

Discuss/Determine Future Meeting Times, Locations and Frequency

  • February 16, 2023 from 11:00-12:00 PM in 104 Ballard Hall
  • Monthly meetings

Discuss/Determine Future Meeting Topics

  • Probationary period for new professional faculty hires
  • Professional faculty career advancement for positions without current advancement potential (e.g., Extension outreach coordinators)
  • Standardized evaluation criteria and processes
  • Job title inflation
  • Development of committee guidelines and procedures

Discuss Items for the Good of the Order

  • Rich to email Senate President and schedule meeting to discuss committee mission.
  • Justin to provide job family information for all committee members to the committee.
