Voting members present: Justin Fleming, Kate Moses, Richard Riggs, Jennifer Thornhill, Katheryn Yetter
Voting members absent: Connie Caddis, Melissa Rieth
Introduction of Members
Kate: Contact Professional Faculty Leadership Association (PFLA) regarding ex-officio member vacancy and other potential committee members.
All committee members: identify potential members to fill existing vacancies.
Review Standing Rules and Resource Materials
Elect Necessary Committee Positions (e.g. vice chairperson, secretary)
The committee decided not to elect vice chair or other committee officers
Discuss/Determine Future Meeting Times, Locations and Frequency
February 16, 2023 from 11:00-12:00 PM in 104 Ballard Hall
Monthly meetings
Discuss/Determine Future Meeting Topics
Probationary period for new professional faculty hires
Professional faculty career advancement for positions without current advancement potential (e.g., Extension outreach coordinators)
Standardized evaluation criteria and processes
Job title inflation
Development of committee guidelines and procedures
Discuss Items for the Good of the Order
Rich to email Senate President and schedule meeting to discuss committee mission.
Justin to provide job family information for all committee members to the committee.