Voting members present: Connie Caddis, Justin Fleming, Kate Moses, Richard Riggs, Jason Tanenbaum, Jennifer Thornhill, Carlea White, Kathryn Yetter
Voting members absent: No members absent
Ex-Officio members present: Professional Faculty Leadership Association – Lizzet Stone
Guest: Heather Horn
Discussion of Professional Faculty Progression – Heather Horn
Preferred terminology is career progression, vs. promotion or advancement
The core issue with career progression is retention of talent within the university
Progression may include steps within current position or transfer to another position within the university (retention; so that the employee’s knowledge and experience is not lost and neither is the university’s investment in the employee)
Discussed professional development, centralized funds for professional development and lack of current funding in some units
Discussed Oregon Pay Equity Act (OPEA) and recognizing merit, and experience to justify salary differences between employees
Discussed position descriptions, standardized language, plans of work
Discussed trial service periods (pros and cons)
Discussed service within position descriptions and how in some units the bulk of service falls onto professional faculty members
Advisor classifications are on the cusp of a progression model, the committee asked for a draft for review
Heather asked to come back to the committee for further discussions with the committee
Future Committee Action Items
Determine what are the next professional faculty classifications that should have career progression, and which should not
Create narrative around career progression (using retention data and anecdotes)
Compare retention data across professional faculty classifications and possibly with peer institutions (if data is available)
Other guest speakers?
Define what career progression actually looks like
Adjourned, 12:04 PM