Meeting Date: 
March 16, 2023
03/16/2023 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Kerr 211A/Zoom
  1. Introductions
  1. Discussion of Professional Faculty Progression – Heather Horn
  1. Future Committee Action Items


Next Meeting Dates
April 20, Ballard Hall Rm 104 ~ 11:00-12:00 PM
May 17, Ballard Hall Rm 104 ~ 11:00-12:00 PM
June 15, Ballard Hall Rm 104 ~ 11:00-12:00 PM
September TBD


Voting members present: Connie Caddis, Justin Fleming, Kate Moses, Richard Riggs, Jason Tanenbaum, Jennifer Thornhill, Carlea White, Kathryn Yetter
Voting members absent: No members absent
Ex-Officio members present: Professional Faculty Leadership Association – Lizzet Stone
Guest: Heather Horn


Discussion of Professional Faculty Progression – Heather Horn

  • Preferred terminology is career progression, vs. promotion or advancement
  • The core issue with career progression is retention of talent within the university
  • Progression may include steps within current position or transfer to another position within the university (retention; so that the employee’s knowledge and experience is not lost and neither is the university’s investment in the employee)
  • Discussed professional development, centralized funds for professional development and lack of current funding in some units
  • Discussed Oregon Pay Equity Act (OPEA) and recognizing merit, and experience to justify salary differences between employees
  • Discussed position descriptions, standardized language, plans of work
  • Discussed trial service periods (pros and cons)
  • Discussed service within position descriptions and how in some units the bulk of service falls onto professional faculty members
  • Advisor classifications are on the cusp of a progression model, the committee asked for a draft for review
  • Heather asked to come back to the committee for further discussions with the committee

Future Committee Action Items

  • Determine what are the next professional faculty classifications that should have career progression, and which should not
  • Create narrative around career progression (using retention data and anecdotes)
    • Compare retention data across professional faculty classifications and possibly with peer institutions (if data is available)
    • Other guest speakers?
  • Define what career progression actually looks like

Adjourned, 12:04 PM