10/21/2015 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
CEOAS Administration Building, Wecoma Room

Expected Attendees: Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, Kim Calvery, Loren Davis, Julie Gess-Newsome (phone), Mark Leid, Anne Nolin (Chair), Inara Scott, Eugene Zhang, and Debbie Delmore (Research Office) and Rich Holdren (Ex-Officio, Research Office)

Anticipated Absences: Andy Houseman and David Myrold

  1. Welcome and Introductions – Anne Nolin
  2. Discussion of Cuts to 2015-2016 RERF Budget
  3. Review of Research Council 2014-2015 Draft Annual Report
  4. Update on Grants Processes and Services Task Force Process
  5. Discussion of Deferred Maintenance, Potential Strategies for Addressing/Prioritizing Issues
  6. Other Business
