Whereas the Oregon State University Faculty Handbook "Statement of Faculty Responsibilities" expresses that members of the university community:

  • "Respect and defend the right of free inquiry of fellow faculty members"
  • "Encourage free pursuit of learning and free inquiry in students"
  • "Seek and state the truth as he or she sees it"
  • "Exercise critical self-discipline and judgment in using, extending, and transmitting knowledge to diverse audiences on and off campus"
  • "Exercise critical self-discipline and judgment in using, extending, and transmitting knowledge to diverse audiences on and off campus"
  • "Show due respect for the rights of others to hold and express their opinions"

The Faculty Senate of Oregon State University stands resolved that the actions taken by faculty members of this university that attempted to interfere with the publication of Mr. Dan Donato's research in Science violated both the spirit and the letter of the "Statement of Faculty Responsibilities."


The motion to approve the resolution as amended passed by voice vote with no dissenting votes.