Whereas, Oregon State University, and its faculty, have been openly and vigorously encouraging the public debate about the applications of scientific research, and will continue to do so; and

Whereas, Oregon State University, and its faculty, have also been conducting research to develop improved production methods, and to study and minimize undesired effects of scientific research; and

Whereas, Acts of terrorism against scientific research only polarize, distort, and risk discrediting legitimate ethical and technological concerns; and

Whereas, There is no legitimate rationale for acts of terrorism against scientific research that destroy university property, harm longterm research projects, and risk lives; and 

Whereas, Recent acts of terrorism against scientific research have caused extensive damage to field sites and university buildings; therefore, be it 

Resolved, That the Faculty Senate of Oregon State University declares that these acts of terrorism against scientific research violate the fundamental freedoms of inquiry and discourse upon which universities in free societies are based.

Resolved, That the Faculty Senate instead encourages those with strong concerns to use the University to make their cases public, and to debate their strengths and merits in an open forum.


The motion to approve the resolution as amended passed by voice vote with one dissenting vote.