This award recognizes faculty with longtime service to Oregon State University who have demonstrated a major commitment to undergraduate instruction over an extended period of time. It is through a generous donation by Richard M. Bressler, former CEO and Chairman of the Board, Burlington Resources, that this award has been made possible. The recipient receives a plaque and $2,500. Nominees for this award may also be considered for nomination for the CASE U.S. Professor of the Year Award, which is presented by the Carnegie Foundation.

List of Previous Recipients

Nominees must meet these criteria to be eligible:

  • Hold the rank of Full Professor
  • Have been a member of the faculty at Oregon State University a minimum of fifteen (15) years
  • Have consistently provided direct instruction to undergraduate students during the course of their career at Oregon State University

Award Criteria

Nominations will be evaluated on the evidence of a commitment to undergraduate instruction. Such evidence should include the following:

  1. unusual effort to ensure the quality of undergraduate instruction;
  2. high standards for the rigor and currency of course content and the level of student performance;
  3. direct and significant impact upon and involvement with undergraduate students;
  4. evidence that the candidate's scholarly contributions have enhanced effectiveness in the undergraduate classroom

Please summarize to what extent the nominee fulfills each of the selection criteria for the award.

Nomination Process and Submission

Following the instructions completely will ensure consideration of the nomination.

The nominator shall submit the Cover Sheet and the complete submission packet in one PDF via the Qualtrics Submission FormDo not begin entering information on the Qualtrics form unless you are ready to submit the nomination - the form CANNOT be saved and finished at a later time. The submission packet will include evidence that the nominee meets the criteria, as well as: (1) nomination letter*; (2) three letters of support* showing evidence of the candidate's achievements; (3) information on undergraduate courses taught, including how often courses have been taught and approximate enrollments; (4) a clear summary of teaching evaluations for the past three years; (5) the nominee’s curriculum vita; and (6) the nominee’s position description indicating breakdown of FTE allocation.

Required letters: Each of the below letters shall not exceed two single-sided pages using at least 12 pitch and 1" margins. Signatures on the letters must be included.

   * Letters of Support: One letter of support shall be written by a current or emeritus faculty member; one shall be written by a current or former student; and the third may be from colleagues, students, and/or others who can comment on the nominee's qualifications.

   * Nomination Letter: The Nominator shall submit a Nomination Letter.

The award criteria must be addressed in the letters. Do not submit separate documentation related to the critera.

When organizing the PDF, please ensure that the document is organized as listed on the submission form.

Additional information submitted with the nomination will not be considered; please include only requested information and refer to the guidelines when organizing submission packets.

Selection Process

Nominations will be reviewed and selected by the Faculty Recognition and Awards Committee and a member of the Advancement of Teaching Committee. Committee recommendations will be made on the basis of the information submitted; the committee does not solicit additional information.

Nomination packets are due by Noon on April 2, 2025.