
It is once again time to recognize the best researchers in your departments by nominating them for the Sigma Xi Researcher of the Year Award. Please be sure your awards committee and senior faculty see this announcement. We want to present the award to the most deserving researcher at OSU.

The Sigma Xi Researcher of the Year Award is given annually to an Oregon State University researcher to recognize research contributions made by an OSU faculty member.

In keeping with the motto of Sigma Xi to honor our "Companions in Zealous Research", the Selection Committee will use criteria that focus on how their science and technology has affected positive changes in the world.

A nomination should include:

  1. A statement of support from the nominator,
  2. Two letters of recommendation,
  3. Documentation of the research accomplishments of the nominee (e.g CV).

The criteria for selection will be:

  1. Candidate must be recognized as a significant contributor to the advancement of knowledge in his/her area of science or technology.
  2. Candidate must be a tenured faculty member.
  3. Candidate must have an active research program as evidenced by extramural funding.
  4. Candidate must have an acknowledged record of outstanding publications.
  5. Candidate must have a record of training successful students.

Please send completed applications to:

Dianne Simpson
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Oregon State University
2082 Cordley Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331

Deadline for nominations is April 23, 2004.

Dan Arp
Sigma Xi President