The following charges are assigned to the task force:
Determine current practices that impede an open and sustainable system of scholarly communication, citing data where necessary to substantiate the findings;
Determine actions that OSU faculty members, as authors, readers, reviewers, editors, society members, advisory board members and faculty members, who are dependent on scholarly communication for professional advancement, can take to contribute to an open and sustainable system of scholarly communication;
Determine a few of these actions that are likely to have the greatest positive impact towards creation of an open and sustainable system of scholarly communication;
Propose a framework for communicating these findings to the OSU faculty.
The Task Force shall be composed of two individuals from the OSU Libraries staff, a member of the Faculty Senate Library Committee, and 4-7 faculty members representing different academic disciplines.
The Task Force on Scholarly Communication is to prepare a written report for presentation to the Faculty Senate by the end of the 2004-05 academic year, preferably at the May 12, 2005 meeting.
Bonnie Allen, OSU Libraries
Gary Beach, Office of Institutional Research
Michael Boock, Valley Library
Rich Carter, Chemistry
Alexis Walker, Human Development and Family Sciences
Pat Wheeler, Chair, Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ken Winograd, School of Education