The Academic Advising Council furnishes support and information to those units on campus that provide academic advising for undergraduate students and makes policy and procedure recommendations to the Faculty Senate for consideration.
The Council shall be composed of a Head Advisor or designated representative from each academic college and one or more representatives from each service unit involved in advising undergraduate students, and a student representative. Each of the academic colleges and the service units represented shall have one vote on the council. A change in the Standing Rules is required to add or delete a voting member.
The process for election of the Council chair and the three-year slate of responsibilities for the position are delineated in the Academic Advising Council guidelines.
ACADECMIC ADVISING COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP: Voting Members are limited to one vote per unit, but one or more representatives from the unit may attend meetings. See the Council Guidelines for additional guidelines regarding membership.
Voting members include representatives from the undergraduate degree-granting colleges and service units that connect to or support academic advising.
College of Agricultural Sciences
College of Business
College of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Forestry
College of Health
College of Liberal Arts
College of Pharmacy
College of Science
Honors College
University Exploratory Studies Program
One vote representing each of the following service units involved in advising (or providing support for advising). One or more representatives may attend.
ASOSU Student Representative
Academics for Student Athletes
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
Cross Campus Strategic Initiative
Educational Opportunities Program (EOP)
Office of International Services
Trio Student Support Services
Non-voting members: The non-voting membership of the AAC consists of units whose work supports academic advising of undergraduates, but whose mission, goals, or responsibilities largely lie outside of academic advising. Current Non-voting members are listed below, and one or more representatives may attend:
Academic Success Center
Career Development Center
Disability Access Services
Diversity and Cultural Engagement
Faculty Senate Liaison
Financial Aid
Office of Academic Affairs
Office of the Dean of Students
Office of Global Opportunities
Office of Student Orientation
Reserve Officer Training Corps
University Housing and Dining Services
University Information and Technology
Veterans Services
(Rev. 06/07; 06/09; 04/12; 05/16; 12/21)